Are You Biased?

I have visited literally dozens of opticals in the last several years. One of the biggest issues  I find in the dispensary is what I have termed “optician bias”.  This encompasses two different realms of concern: The act of buying frames, and the pre-judgment of potential customers. This article will focus on the first, and the second side of this will be addressed in a forthcoming post.


When I walk into a dispensary for the first time, I immediately begin assessing the inventory. A quick estimated count of frames, as well as manufacturers and collections. Inevitably, I find many lines that look alike on the frame boards, in some cases exactly the same, simply with a different name on the demo lenses.  We have all been guilty of this, at one time or another. So how does it happen, and how do we fix it?

The Cause:

The reason this duplicate buying happens can be many reasons. We, as individuals, have our own tastes, and those tastes are reflected in our purchasing habits. We tend to lean toward what we like, and we end up with a dispensary filled with frames that appeal to us, but are not necessarily what our customers want.

Another mistake many frame buyers make is to become too “safe” in their buying habits. This results in a dispensary full of brown and black plastic frames, and similarly basic colors in the metal frames being shown.

The Solution:

The good news is that the solutions for ‘optician bias’ in frame buying are simple, and easy to implement.

1. Have more than one person order frames. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:31-07:00August 8th, 2012|ECP, Practice Managment|Comments Off on Are You Biased?


C’mon, admit it! It’s ok to say it, we all know it: Selling is evil, it’s just plain evil. It’s awful and horrible. It’s despicable. Seriously, it’s just atrocious and immoral. And, it’s beneath you!

It would have to be all those things according to what most of you, as eye care professionals, tell me. When asked, in one of my surveys, to define selling, here are some responses from some of your peers:

“Selling is pushing someone to purchase something they may not need.”  “Selling is convincing a person to buy something from you.”   “Selling is persuading a person to buy an item you’re trying to profit off of.”  “Selling is trying to get money from someone to buy something they don’t want or need.”  “Selling is trying to deceive someone to get their money.”

These are actual responses.

Now ironically, and no matter what you do for a living, Selling is necessary. If there weren’t any sales, 99% of us wouldn’t have jobs. So, selling a product and/or service is necessary. But is it really a necessary evil?

Well, it probably is if you subscribe to one of the definitions above or have a negative perception in your head about what you think Selling is. And you probably do because negative perceptions and definitions about Selling is all that’s been taught to us.

Most of us accept the notion that Selling is all about persuading someone to buy something… Selling = Persuasion. So let me ask you this, do you personally like to be persuaded? Yeah, neither do I. And neither do most people.

So if Selling = Persuasion and most people don’t like to be persuaded, […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:31-07:00March 19th, 2012|ECP, Sales Training|Comments Off on SELLING IS EVIL!!

So, Why Aren’t You in Jail??

An optometrist was very eager to give me his opinion on “selling”.  His attitude was that “selling” cheapens and degrades the profession of optometry. Optometrists and their staffs should not be salespeople. Optometrists should be the best doctors they can be and their staffs should be a reflection of that.

Agreed!  100%!!  Optometrists should be the best doctors they can be and their staffs shouldreflect that. Absolutely! Unequivocally!

He went on to say that people like me, who teach selling to eye care professionals, should be ashamed of themselves; that we appeal to the lowest common denominator of money-grubbing optometrists. Ouch!  It’s not the first time I’ve heard this from someone who’s never attended one of my workshops.

“Doctor, are you telling me that you’re dedicated to the health and comfort of your patient’s visual health? 100%?”

“Yes, of course,” he replied.

“Wonderful! Would you happen to know the percentage of your patients that purchase more than one pair of eyewear from you?”

“Maybe 5 or 10%, if I had to guess.”

“How many pair does your average patient need?”

“On average? Three pair.”

“So, your patients are leaving with less than they need? Hmm, so how is it that you’re not in jail?”

I shared with this doctor the following information: A woman won a $2.1 million settlement against her cardiologist for failing to give her an aspirin.  Yep, an aspirin!  It was to be given to the patient before an angioplasty.  But, because the patient received less than what was needed, she developed gangrene and lost a foot.

Think about this:  If you put your trust into the hands of any other kind of physician… a cardiologist, an oncologist, an orthopedist, etc., and they gave you less than what […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:32-07:00March 8th, 2012|ECP, Sales Training|Comments Off on So, Why Aren’t You in Jail??

Steal Success!

At the Visionaries Group, we often hear from ECP’s how they shop their competitors on a regular basis. When we ask what they have learned, we almost always get the same litany of comments.

“Their store was dirty…the showcases had fingerprints all over them”

“Their product mix was horrific…who the heck is their buyer?”

“Can you believe their greeting and sales approach?”

“Their pricing is off”

“Can you believe how many of that old X product line they have in stock?”

We wonder why anyone wastes time competitive shopping if all they come back with is what everyone else is doing wrong. Let’s face it, we could probably take a stroll through your store/practice and find plenty of things you are doing wrong too.

The best practices we’ve worked with, always go competitive shopping with another purpose. These entrepreneurs walk into not only their competitors, but every business with their eyes wide open not to see what others are doing wrong, but what others are doing right.

It is easy to point out what someone does wrong. Microsoft Word has done it 4 times in writing this blog so far. 🙂 It is far more difficult to find a good idea and adopt it for your business or practice. Imagine taking the best idea from a dozen other practices in your area and adopting them to your own. Imagine taking the best ideas from your favorite restaurant, salon, clothing store, and blog (The Optical Vision Site, dbadesigns or The Visionaries Group?) and integrating them all into how you do business.  Who could possibly compete with you when you have collected and integrated the finest ideas from everyone […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:32-07:00March 8th, 2012|ECP|Comments Off on Steal Success!

How Pinteresting

Have you heard of Pinterest yet? Tag….now you have. What is Pinterest? You could ask the nearest twenty something female, or read on. Some have called the site a female Tumblr. Pinterest is a visual bulletin board social media site. Members create any number of their own boards . The subjects of these boards are as wide and varied as the over 4 million registered users could possibly imagine, from food to funny, beaches to brides, tattoos to TV shows. Users pin photos they find interesting to their boards with very brief description or caption for each photo. Users can now sign in with their Facebook login and their pins can be shared with their Facebook friends in their timeline too.

Once you have an account (which currently is by invitation only, though not hard to get an invitation from the company either), you create a board or boards of your interest. You can always create more boards or delete old boards. You then pin images to your board(s) with your short captions. If the image is shared from a website, the link back to that site remains with the photo for all to see (can we say backlink?). You can also repin someone else photo to any of your boards and the link back to their board as well as the source link follow onto your page.

So, you might be asking, what the heck does this have to do with my eye care practice? Don’t I have enough to worry about with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Linkedin? Yes, your social media plate might seem a little full, […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:32-07:00February 1st, 2012|ECP, Social Media|Comments Off on How Pinteresting

Social Media 101

We work with a number of eye care professionals who all want to participate in social media to help build their practices. There is no shortage of great social media sites. The question is almost always asked about what site does what and for whom? We saw a picture similar to this a while back explaining several of the top social media sites in a somewhat humorous albeit indelicate manner and thought we would update it with a few more sites and share it with you. We hope you get as many smiles out of it as we did.

By |2017-05-22T11:11:32-07:00January 30th, 2012|ECP, Social Media|Comments Off on Social Media 101
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