How To Increase Twitter Engagement By 324%

How do we get our share of the over 550 million Twitter users? Learn when to tweet and what to tweet is a big start in increasing engagement rates. The folks at Quicksprout have put together this infographic with some wonderful and useful tips. See you on Twitter.


By |2017-05-22T11:11:14-07:00February 5th, 2014|Social Media|Comments Off on How To Increase Twitter Engagement By 324%

Secrets Of A Killer Blog Post

We are of course BIG believers in blogging. We have seen the difference blogging makes in site traffic for those websites who blog occasionally and for those who do it often. What you say is equally as important as just saying it and the folks at WhoIsHostingThis have come up with this great infographic on how to blog better. We hope to integrate some of their suggestions into our blog…what about you?


By |2017-05-22T11:11:14-07:00January 28th, 2014|Marketing, SEO, Social Media|Comments Off on Secrets Of A Killer Blog Post

Trust In Social Recommendations

People trust peer recommendations far more than they trust advertising. However, what peers do they trust over others? The folks at Social Media Link put together some research in this infographic that shows Facebook far and away outperforms other social media outlets including blogs. What is your business doing on Facebook?


By |2017-05-22T11:11:14-07:00January 21st, 2014|Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on Trust In Social Recommendations

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

This may not come as a surprise to married men, but almost half of all women polled recently by Real Simple and The Huffington Post would rather go without sex for a month rather than their smartphones. Of course, most married women would say their smartphones are more interesting, but I digress. Over 3/4 of the respondents said they check their smartphones at least once an hour and almost half keep their smartphones on their nightstands, yet only slightly more than 1/4 of the women polled say they are addicted to their smartphones. What do you think of these findings?


By |2017-05-22T11:11:15-07:00January 7th, 2014|Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Is Email Dying?

With the proliferation of so many social media networks, instant messaging, and text messaging, many have predicted the demise of email as a form of communication. Well, it turns out email is alive and well. While it may not be needed as a communication between friends and family, it is a vital part of business communications and of course a very viable and successful tool for marketers to reach customers. Here is an infographic from the folks at Extreme Networks outlining how email is working as we wind down 2013.


By |2017-05-22T11:11:15-07:00December 30th, 2013|Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on Is Email Dying?

Pinteresting Facts About Pinterest

We love Pinterest. It’s one of the social media sites we can spend way too much time with, looking at everything from crafts to recipes, cartoons to tattoos. Anything you can paint, photograph, draw, or describe is perfect for this visually stimulating wall of images. Turns out Pinterest is also one of the best platforms for showcasing products and driving commerce. Here is a great infographic put together by the folks at Apollo Matrix showing some of the strengths of Pinterest and why your business should be on the site.


By |2017-05-22T11:11:15-07:00December 23rd, 2013|Marketing, Social Media, Web Design|Comments Off on Pinteresting Facts About Pinterest

The Power Of The #Hashtag

We grew up when the # symbol was referred to as the pound symbol on our home phones.In the era of social media, it has turned to the hashtag. We think of Twitter as inventing and popularizing the hashtag. It was Twitter users, not the company who pushed the use of the hashtag, and Twitter was adroit enough to latch onto it and capitalize on it. Since then, the hashtag has found it’s way onto Facebook and Google+ as well. Here is an infographic put together by The Huffington Post showing the basics of hastag use and the power of the symbol in today’s social media world.


By |2017-05-22T11:11:15-07:00December 17th, 2013|Practice Managment, Social Media|Comments Off on The Power Of The #Hashtag

20 Marketing Statistics For 2014

The new year is coming up fast. As ECP’s start to plan for 2014, we thought this infographic from the folks at WebDam would make for a nice guide as to what we should all consider for next year. What will you and your practice be doing different in 2014?


By |2017-05-22T11:11:15-07:00December 10th, 2013|Marketing, Social Media, Web Design|Comments Off on 20 Marketing Statistics For 2014

The Blogconomy

We hear it all the time from clients and prospective clients. Why should they blog? Blogs work. That’s why ECP’s that blog regularly have more inbound links and generate more leads than practices who do not. This infographic from Ignite Spot shows us how important and powerful blogging is. If you don’t have the time to blog, hire someone to do it for you…maybe someone from The Visionaries Group. What is your excuse for not blogging now?


By |2017-05-22T11:11:15-07:00December 4th, 2013|Practice Managment, Social Media|Comments Off on The Blogconomy

How Social Media Is Changing the World

Where do people receive their news today? Long gone are the days of Walter Cronkite, Peter Jennings, and Edward R Murrow. Half of us get our news today through social media. Here is an infographic from the folks at My Life showing how social media has changed the world and why you should be a participant in it.


By |2017-05-22T11:11:15-07:00November 22nd, 2013|Social Media|Comments Off on How Social Media Is Changing the World
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