Recently a friend told me their colleague’s email had been hacked, or compromised. It seems every week there are news stories of this website or that being hacked and emails compromised. Now, no website or digital file is totally secure. A skilled hacker can bypass even government secured databases as you’ve no doubt read in the news. In recent months passwords for such sites as Yahoo! Voice, AOL, E-Harmony, Gawker, Formspring, Plenty of Fish, and Linkedin have been compromised.

cyber thiefNow, let me share a little bad news. You can do everything right and the determined and skilled hacker will find a way in, just as securing the doors and windows to your home won’t keep the most determined burglar out. However, taking a few modest precautions with your digital life can prevent the majority of intrusions and losses. Most hackers are looking for low hanging fruit, just as most burglars are looking for homes or cars that are quick and easy to rob.

First and foremost, secure your computer with a good anti-virus product. A good number of passwords and data are lost through malware installed on a computer through programs you might have inadvertently installed by opening an email or clicking a link. Programs like key loggers are small and easy to load and phone home (wherever home is) easily. What might you think if you saw a 16 digit number come across your screen, followed by a 4 digit number and then a 3 or 4 digit number, but a credit card complete with security code.

I can hear a few of you smugly saying out loud you are immune as you have an Apple […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:31-07:00July 17th, 2012|Social Media, Web Design|Comments Off on 12345

The Email Casscade

We’ve seen a number of posts on Facebook as New Year’s approaches about people deleting email subscriptions as part of their New Year’s resolution. While getting rid of the old and welcoming the new is a New Year’s tradition, the way we saw a number of people approach this task seems off base. Without doubt there are email subscriptions that you might no longer wish to ever read (our emails excluded of course). There are those subscriptions where you might read 1 of 5 posts or 1 of a dozen even. The point is, you still find something worth reading a few times a month. The problem is not the number of emails but how we manage them. With our emails now being delivered to our mobile phones and tablets, we need to prioritize better.

Instead of deleting your name from everything you haven’t looked at in a while, why not take the time to establish primary and secondary email accounts as well as the prerequisite junk account(s). The email address you place on your business card should be on your mobile device. This is the method you want your customers and clients to reach you through. Your email subscriptions, whether they be for professional education or the latest daily deal should be delivered to a secondary account that you don’t put on your mobile phone or tablet. This way you can deal with the daily deluge while in your office and only the most important communication reaches you when you are enjoying family or personal time.

Since most every web hosting company offers unlimited email addresses, this is easy to […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:32-07:00December 30th, 2011|Social Media, Web Design|Comments Off on The Email Casscade

Your Website Sucks

Nothing personal, but it’s true…. Your website was probably an afterthought.  The business next door had one, the business across the country you admired had one, and your cousin’s next door neighbor’s kid could build you one for a few hundred bucks…maybe even trade for a pair of cool sunglasses. Your website sucks, because you put 30 minutes of thought into what is now the main calling card for your business.

The truth hurts. Your website should be something you are proud of, not ashamed of. When 75% of consumers today check out a business online before stepping foot into their business, having anything less than a good website is just shooting yourself in the foot. If you have eyewear in showcases that haven’t been moved in years, they are most likely caked with dust…the same can be said of your website. If it too hasn’t been updated in years, then it is as dated as those old glasses, and just as likely to make a sale.

Yet, city after city, practice after practice, store after store, have websites that truly suck. How can you talk about carrying the finest name brand designer eyewear, the most technologically advanced customized optics, hiring the best trained staff of opticans, or giving the most complete and comprehensive eye exams in the tri-state area and have a website that looks and acts like it was built by Mrs. Schmedrakes 6th grade? There is a huge disconnect here.

Hiring a professional web developer is the same as hiring a professional in any discipline. You certainly wouldn’t want to go to court represented by someone whose only legal […]

By |2017-05-22T11:11:32-07:00November 3rd, 2011|Web Design|Comments Off on Your Website Sucks
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