We’ve said it before and probably will a few hundred more times as we write and share with this blog and others, The only thing constant in this world, is change. Just as we get used to whatever we get used to, something changes. Sometimes that change is wonderful, sometimes not, but the world is always changing around us, mo matter how much we might like things just the way they are. Retail is changing just as fast. The mom and pop store gave way to the big box chains and now that trend is starting to reverse itself as the family owned business starts to better specialize in whatever it is they do as the big box stores try to homogenize at the same time. Retail is no longer just who has the best location or the best prices or even the best trained sales staff. Retail is an impulse as much as it is a need, and the combination of selection, convenience, pricing, atmosphere and enjoyment are what drives sales these days.The mobile web is a big part of that. How you present your business online will have a huge impact in how customers see you and want to interact with you. The folks at ExactTarget have put together this infographic on how the future of retail will look in the coming years. What are you doing to prepare your business?

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