There was a time, not that long ago, that bringing work home meant packing important papers into a briefcase that might or might not get read later that evening. Other than that, we tended to gather round the radio or TV, read the newspaper, a magazine or a book and enjoy time with our families. Rarely were we ever interrupted with a phone call from the office or a co-worker. Whatever it was could wait till tomorrow.

Today, our work follows us almost everywhere we go, including where we go. Between laptop computers, tablets and smartphones, we can be and often are called on to work almost every waking moment. Even in those hours we are not working, we use technology for our own purposes, whether it is navigating our way home in traffic, seeing what our friends are up to, checking on the news, or yes, checking our work emails. Technology has many downsides however, one of them being sleep. How many of us have had trouble going to sleep because the last thing we do before going to bed is read email, say goodnight to our Facebook friends, or check out a cool pin on Pinterest? How many of us even have big flat screen TV’s in our bedroom we fall asleep to?

The blue light emited by all these devices have a negative effect on our eyes and our sleep paterns. The folks at bigbrandbeds in England have put together this infographic showing us how technology is hurting our sleep patterns and what we can do to cope, without throwing our smartphones out the window.

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